Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Test For CRAAP.....

I went to the http://www.dhmo.org/milk.html which talked about diary and Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) and how it is bad and we shouldn't use it. Well I went through and evaluated the website with the CRAAP Test I found something for each letter:

C- it was last updated on march 11, 2008 and seemed current current enough and the links work
R- the writting was at an appropiate level, and if I were talking about dairy and hormone use and stuff i'd feel comfortable to use this website.
A- the website was an .org, the host of the web page was Agora. net, I went to the host site and seemed to be a little sceptical. The site had sponsers but the only one I knew was amazon.com. The author is Tom Way PhD. and I found a credible site of his that had his bio-info on there
A- the site seemed to bit a little bias, also the site can be verified by to other sites.
P- the site was informative and also perssuasive and clear.

So, in general I went through the CRAAP test and I believe that this web-site is not CRAAP well maybe a very little but not all of it, my point of view of the website is that it is credible.

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